"All praise and glory go to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Good News To The World

Good news to the world is the most important phrase that all Christians are looking at. The phrase of Jesus gives significant reflection on our faith. It is our great task to stand firm to the end, to proclaim the good news to the whole world. And to hold on to him who rose victorious from the grave. The raging torrents and waves of our tumultuous times have made it very hard not to lose sight of the light and not to let ourselves drift away into the darkness.

 The powers and principalities not only show their presence in the unsettling political and economic situation of our day but they also show their destructive presence in the most intimate places of our lives.

Our faithfulness in relationship is severely tested, our innocence of belonging is questioned again, our anger and greed show their power with new vehemence, and our desire to indulge ourselves in the despairing hedonism of the moment proves to be stronger than ever. It is the good news of the world that will suffice our faith, and will keep our faith always during the moment of adversities.

Yes, the dangers are very real. It is not impossible that we become false prophets shouting ‘look here is the Christ’, or ‘he’s there’, that we’ll deceive people with our self-proclaimed assurances. And that not only others love, but even our own will grow cold.

Our compulsive wordy and mind-minded world has a firm grip on us and we need a very strong and persistent discipline not to be carried away by it.

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